Screening Epidemiologi

  • Screening atau penyaringan kasus adalah cara untuk mengidentifikasi penyakit yang belum tampak melalui suatu tes atau pemeriksaan atau prosedur lain yang dapat dengan cepat memisahkan antara orang yang mungkin menderita penyakit dengan orang yang mungkin tidak menderita.
  1. Deteksi dini penyakit tanpa gejala atau dengan gejala tidak khas terhadap orang- orang yang tampak sehat, tetapi mungkin menderita penyakit, yaitu orang yang mempunyai resiko tinggi terkena penyakit (Population at risk).
  2. Dengan ditemukan penderita tanpa gejala dapat dilakukan pengobatan secara tuntas sehingga tidak membahayakan dirinya atau lingkungan dan tidak menjadi sumber penularan penyakit.
Sasaran penyaringan adalah penyakit kronis seperti :
  • Infeksi Bakteri (Lepra, TBC dll.
  • Infeksi Virus (Hepatitis
  • Penyakit Non-Infeksi : (Hipertensi, Diabetes mellitus, Jantung Koroner, Ca Serviks, Ca Prostat, Glaukoma)
Proses pelaksanaan sceening adalah :
Tahap 1 : melalukan pemeriksaan terhadap kelompok penduduk yang dianggap mempunyai resiko tinggi menderita penyakit.
  • Apabila hasil negatif, dianggap orang tersebut tidak menderita penyakit.
  • Apabila hasil positif dilakukan pemeriksaan tahap 2
          Tahap 2 : pemeriksaan diagnostik
  • Hasilnya positif maka dianggap sakit dan mendapat pengobatan.
  • Hasilnya negatif maka dianggap tidak sakit (dilakukan pemeriksaan ulang secara periodik).
  • Sensitivitas (sensitivity) : kemampuan suatu tes untuk mengidentifikasi individu dengan tepat, dengan hasil tes positif dan benar sakit.
  • Sensitivitas = a/a+c
  • Spesifisitas (specificity) : kemampuan suatu tes untuk mengidentifikasi individu dengan tepat, dengan hasil negatif dan benar tidak sakit.
  • Spesivisitas = d/b+d
  • Persentase pasien yang menderita sakit dengan hasil test Positive.
  • PPV = a/a+b
  • Persentase pasien yang tidak menderita sakit dengan hasil test negative.
  • NPV = d/c+d

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Lomba Karya Tulis Bank Mandiri

risk management goes to campus
sebagai salah satu bentuk implementasi program Corporate Social Responsibillity (CSR), Bank Mandiri mengadakan lomba karya tulis yang bertujuan untuk menjembatani jarak antara dunia akademik dan dunia kerja, dengan penjelasan sebagai berikut

Hadiah :
1.        5 penulis terbaik akn diundang ke kantor PUSAT BANK MANDIRI untuk mempresentasikan tulisannya pada tanggal 23 Mei 2012
2.       3 Penulis terbaik akan mendapatkan penghargaan berupa beasiswa Rp. 12 juta dan 2 peserta mendapatkan hadiah berupa SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB
3.       Keputusan juri tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.

Persyaratan :
Peserta adalah mahasiswa aktif dan resmi terdaftar dalam program pendidikan S1 pada bidang ilmu Matematika, Statistika, Ekonomi, dan Pebankan

Peserta melampirkan dokumen sebagai berikut :
1.        Scan kartu mahasiswa yang masih berlaku
2.       Scan formulir data diri
3.       Scan lembar pengesahan dari Universitas/Fakultas

Aturan penulisan :
Peserta memilih satu dari tema karya tulis berikut :
1.        Peran statiska dalam pengukuran 8 (delapan) jenis risiko di Perbankan Indonesia
2.       Implementasi Basel II sebagai kerangka pengelolaan Risiko di Perbankan Indonesia
3.       Implementasi Stress Testing di Perbankan dalam Mengantisipasi Ketidakpastian Ekonomi Global

Karya tulis dibuat dengan garis besar sebagai berikut :
1.        Abstrak
2.       Overview
3.       Pembahasan
4.       Kesimpulan
5.       Referensi

Penulisan karya tuls dibuat dengan sebagai berikut :
1.        Margins: left 3 cm, right 3 cm, top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm
2.       Line spacing single
3.       Huruf: Arial 10 pt
4.       Maksimal 10 halaman, ukuran kertas A4
5.       Bahasa Indonesia dengan tata bahasa dan ejaan yang disempurnakan, sederhana, dan jelas
6.     Karya tulis merupakan hasil karya asli peserta yang disahkan oleh universitas/Fakultas

2. dan di-cc ke :

Karya Tulis Diterima Paling Lambat Jum'at 11 Mei 2012 pukul 18.00 WIB

Contact Person : Wulan (021) 524-5784
                              Dede (021) 524-5757

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Contoh-Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris

Keeping In Touch With Bass Fishing Reports.

             Fishing nowadays is already considered as a form of sport. In the past fishing is a form of occupation and used to strive for living. They catch fishes for their food and some are for earning some money.  Fishing activities are done in water. This maybe in sea, rivers, lakes, bays, and in other form of water. Almost all bodies of water are rich in fishes and other water products that the fishers are after to. So fishing can be done anywhere and anytime because we are surrounded by bodies of water.
            It is a fact the world is composed of seventy five per cent water, and the land is only composed of twenty five per cent. So fishing is very usual to people especially to those who live in nearby shores and water reservoir. Fishing is fun to do. It brings lots of enjoyment and relaxation to the fisher. Not only these, fishing also contributes to the development of human body because it can be used as form of exercise, not only for human body, it also help our mind to function well, for mind should be used properly in this sport.
           There organization groups for bass fishing. They provide education program and enhancement of methods and techniques in bass fishing. They are educating people about fishing through books, flyers and leaflets, and the most sought out way of education that the fishing enthusiasts choose education through the internet. These organizations for fishing have their very own sites in the web for easier access of their members. Educational materials, advertisements, and tips are posted in their updated pages.
           Fishing tournaments are also offered by these organizations. The fishing enthusiasts are very much interested with this. In tournaments, all outgoing and adventurous fishers are joining because of the fun they can have. In the pages of these sites, fishing reports are being posted for the other fishing lovers to read. These articles are being posted for them to be able to share the experiences and activities regarding fishing that they have done.
These reports are much patronized by the enthusiasts for these are providing tips to a better and more successful fishing. Articles’ regarding the activities of fishing includes some anecdotes and newly discovered new techniques.
Pictures and images are also present in these reports to more entertain the fishers that are visiting the sites. These pictures are usually eye catching and make amazements to the part of the viewers. Tips for better fishing are also available in the sites of these fishing organizations. They provide advices that will help in the enhancement and improvement of the fisher’s capabilities in fishing.
Some of the tips and advices in some of the pages that are posted in the bass fishing reports are the following. They are already summarized for easy understanding of the readers. You need to fish bass differently in different kinds of water quality. Following these general guidelines will improve your fishing quality:
# Muddy Water: In low-visibility water, a bass finds food using its sonar senses. You must use lures with the best vibration and noise. You can tell if a lure has a high vibration by feeling the shaking of your rod as you bring in the lure. Use your heaviest vibrators and keep them coming at a steady pace so that bass can detect it.
# Clear Water: Bass are overly cautious in clear water with high visibility. Their survival instincts kick in, and they are wary of anything out of the ordinary. Use lighter lines that are less visible. Also, use longer casts and lures that resemble bass food in the area. Spinners usually work in clear water, but if they are not working try a black spinner blade to reduce the flash.
# Normal Water: This water has normal algae and plankton that filters out sunlight. It is ideal for all types of lures, as the bass are not timid. Use the shotgun approach here and set up 3 outfits, one using a surface lure, one using a deep diver, and the last using a plastic worm. Do about 10 casts with each, and then switch them up to different variations. This is a great way to find out what is working.
     Bass fishing reports are of big help in for the enthusiasts of fishing. Other fishers should also contribute and send their reports for the development of the fishing sport.

Curly Hair Care Tips

Curly hair care tips. Curly hair have different types. Big curly hair, curly frizzy curls up like a sausage that is very circular. Because various types of this, curly hair has a lot of problems because every person has a curly pattern that is different.

According You Beauty, experts do not know clearly why there are many types of hair. Curly hair care tips too different. But definitely, the shape of your hair follicle curly-haired, has a bag of curly hair and also hair protein (keratin) that exist in the base of the hair will affect your hair type. All hair types will grow twisted, whatever your hair type. Will get curly hair if its wave number is growing.


Curly hair care tips

Keep the humidity
The owners of curly hair is highly recommended to maintain the hair moisture. In order for curly hair more smooth and gentle to use a deep conditioning treatment twice a month. If your hair is dry, do not wash too often, try to only twice a week.

Be careful Drying
You must be careful to handle curly hair. Avoid using too coarse towel when drying your hair or wrap your hair with a towel to absorb the excess water wash.
"Curly hair must be dried slowly, but if your schedule is too dense for it, wipe with a soft towel and make sure your hair does not fall apart when rubbed," advises celebrity stylist Kristan Serafino. "If curly hair is touched with the rough - or worse combed - will cause your natural curly hair matted instead."
Citing Conectique, you should dry the hair with your fingers, with or without a fan. The result will make the hair become more organized and flexible.

Do not touch
When using curl enhancer products like cream, gel or mousse, follow the pattern of your hair curly, rotate from the middle to the ends of your hair, advice Serafino. "When hair is dry, then you should apply new silicone serum on the ends of your hair to soften curly pattern and make it more shiny," he added.
Once laid out, do not touch your hair again because the more you play, your hair will actually grow tangled. Thus curly hair care tips, may be useful for you.




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